As I mentioned in my last post, I have enjoyed the recent bouts of rain we've been having here in San Diego. It reminds me of the mellow days spent enjoying the sights and sounds of gray western Washington weather. I say western Washington instead of Seattle, because my memories are of not only of Seattle, but other areas as well. Everett, Olympia and elsewhere. However, my favorite Washington city is Seattle. I love it. Also, as I mentioned in my previous blog post, I now have become affectionate with San Diego too.
My love affair with Seattle was instant. I remember driving through it in the late 70's with my family as we travelled to our new residence, a state park with lush green trees and a lovely walk to the shore of Puget Sound. At that time I only experienced Seattle from the freeway, but I remember the feeling I had. The contentment and the awareness that I finally had found my home. My thoughts were exactly this, "This is such a beautiful city. It is so pretty. The prettiest city I have ever seen. I am going to live here one day." And I did.
I would say I have come to accept San Diego as my home. If you read my post from yesterday you will understand that statement. I do not want to offend any San Diego natives, but I am aware that reasons, other than the unfamiliar heat and perpetual sunshine, led to some of my resistance to embracing my new home place with open arms.
Again, if you read yesterday's post you know that this isn't the first time I have lived here. I was born in San Diego and lived in southern California until I was about nine and a half years old. Like most of us, my childhood was less than pleasant. We often associate our experiences with, not only who else was involved, but where we were at the time.
Another reason that I see my life has taken me back to my birthplace is to provide me with an unavoidable opportunity to heal aspects of my past. I am very interested in my personal growth. It excites me. Learning about myself and using tools to change patterns and perspectives so that I can become clearer and manifest more of my true essence is important to me. I enjoy giving psychic readings and healings to others, because it is a mutual healing experience. I love the communication and connection with another soul on a level that our society rarely encourages or acknowledges as possible. I feel blessed that I have learned techniques to heal myself and assist others to heal themselves.
As I gently confront, instead of aggressively avoid, the issues that have resulted from childhood trauma I am less frantic. I experience less discomfort and stress and more calmness and joy. As I let go of residual emotions and energies that have haunted me, I am able to see San Diego as my new home vs. the type of home it used to be for me. My relationship with this city and this area of the country is cleansed as I forgive and move forward. As I have less of my energy tied up in past interactions I am able to access more of that energy to create in the present. I am creating a new life in a place that is not new, although many of my southern California memories are embedded in my unconscious memory.
Through meditation and energy work I am able to uncover these memories and love the little girl that needed love when she lived here before. That was a long time ago. The here and now is where I want to live. The here and now for me is in San Diego.
It feels exciting to me here now. Although it carries past memories for me, the present and future are amazingly free and unlimited. I am enthusiastic about my life here. I have the experience, awareness and control of my life as an adult, but the wide open eyes of a curious and eager to learn child. I feel energetic and optimistic about where I am. I look forward to meeting new people and continuing to create my new life here. I look forward to having lots of San Diego based fun!
It's raining and I'm in San Diego. What in the world could possibly be better than that?