Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Bridging the Gap Between Humans and Animals to Create a Healthier World

Friday is February 1, which is the first official day in my new office. I am looking forward to moving in and joining the others in the office suite where I will be located. I feel very welcomed there. I am also eager to meet those that would like to receive readings and healings from me. It is so fun to relate to others on a level that is not always encouraged in our society. It is so interesting to me that while we live our life in this physical reality on earth there is a whole other realm occuring, not visible by physical sight, whether we validate it exists or not. I enjoy acknowledging the spiritual realm and providing a safe place for others to share their related experiences.

For over 20 years I have assisted people with life issues including relationships, finances, work, stifling beliefs, inhibiting patterns, low self esteem and countless other topics that would help us all feel more human if we were to express them openly. I have participated in house cleansings ("ghostbusting"), hospital visits, psychic fairs and healing festivals. I have taught meditation and healing workshops and classes to people of all ages. One area that I have particularly enjoyed tuning into is the world of animals. People have asked questions about their pets, along with questions about themselves. I have given my pets and other people's pets readings, healings and gentle massage and have found that animals love being acknoledged spiritually and are drawn to healing energy.

As I mentioned in my last post, I will be expanding my practice to include not only helping pet owners with their pet questions, but work directly with the animals themselves. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this. I am bursting with enthusiasm about having the opportunity and honor to work with animals in this way on a more regular basis. I am interested in not only using my psychic abilities to work with tame animals, but wild ones, as well.

I have not been a supporter of zoos. Seeing animals in cages is painful and disturbing to me. However, a friend and I decided to venture to the San Diego Zoo today. We were able to go for free, otherwise I would have been even more hesitant. A relative had previously added me onto her membership and I had been given a free pass that I gave to my friend. Since I wasn't actually paying, I was able to justify the learning experience without feeling like I was literally supporting the concept of zoos. It was an opportunity to communicate with wild animals and see them in person, something I had not done for a very long time. I had not been to a zoo for around 14 or 15 years. I have boycotted zoos, aquariums, circuses and any other venue or event where the treatment of animals may be questionable.

Me and my friend, who is also a psychic reader, healer and capable telepathic communicator enjoyed our experience. Not only was it a pleasant day, but we also, unconsciously chose to go at a time when it was relativiely uncrowded, which according to my friend's experience, is a rarity. We gave psychic readings to the animals, talked to them, gave them energy healings and observed their behavior. Some animals seemed contented that they had a reasonably comfortable and calm life, not having to hunt for food or face the stress of predators, however some certainly weren't happy.

One smaller cat, that actually looked close to a domestic long haired feline was verbally and spiritually growling her meow at all of us people to go away and give her space. After several moments of angry meows she retreated to her sleeping area. She was an angry cat. If I were her, I would be angry too!

The jaguar was making a noise that expressed pain. It sounded as if it was in agony. I reported it to a zoo worker, who said that it makes that noise sometimes in the canyon too. I repeated myself that I wanted to report it because it sounds like something is wrong with it. The woman assured me she would go tell the trainers that were close by. My friend and I both saw that the animal was having some digestive disturbance and gave it a healing. The cat quit making the noise of complaints and following our healings the cat closed its eyes and went to sleep. I do question why so many of the wild cats, big and smaller breeds are kept in such small enclosures. When taken into captivity do they simply give up the experience of running? Doesn't that seem tragic and simply inhumane to you?

I did, however see some of the healthiest looking birds, including ducks that I have ever seen. Their feathers were amazingly clean and vibrant. My opinion is that this is what happens when wild animals receive veterinary care and don't spend their lives swimming in oily and polluted waters. I really noticed a difference with the appearance of the birds.

I loved seeing the mommy panda playing lovingly with her baby Zhen Zhen and the polar bears chomping joyfully on carrots, but my favorite experience at the zoo today was being so close to the gorillas that if there wasn't a glass barrier in between us I could have hugged them. They came down to where we were and put their backs up against the glass. I petted the glass as if I was petting them giving them an energy cleansing. I felt such an affinity and love for them, I told my friend I would be completely happy moving into their enclosure with them. I have great respect for Dian Fossey and her commitment to helping these beautiful creatures. I adored seeing them. Their meditative moments, thoughtful expressions and uninhibited nature was interesting and fun to watch. The following link will take you to The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund website.

I love animals and am so excited to keep growing as a pet and wild animal psychic and energy healer. In addition to working with animals, I would like to teach others how they can use their psychic, healing and telepathic abilities to consciously communicate directly with their pets and other animals. I am convinced that as we continue to bridge the gap between humans and animals, we heal our world. Not only can animals learn from us, but we from them. They are here to teach us. I believe that the animals in our lives are mirrors reflecting what we need to see in ourselves. It may be our beauty, our kindness, our joy and it can also be our fear, insecurities or agression. It is helpful to validate how we impact those around us human and not.

Although I will be able to have animals in my office and offer in person services including psychic readings, energy healings and gentle massage, the animals don't actually have to be present for me to work with them. Similarly, people don't have to be present for me to give them readings and healings. It will be great to have the option, however of bringing in pets. Thank you to my wonderful, welcoming and open minded suite mates and landlords!

To find out more about my services for people and animals email me at or call me at 619-384-0761. Thanks again for reading my blog!

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